I have a match!

16 03 2011

Hey everybody,

I just found out that my brother is a perfect 10 of 10 match for my bone marrow! Woo hoo! I totally don’t anticipate needing it because Plan A is to use my own bone marrow for stem cell transplant and Plan A is going to work so Plan A all we are going to need to be done with this cancer bullshit. HOWEVER, it is great to know that we have this in common and he has graciously agreed to loan me a cup full of his bone marrow if I need it for Plan B! (as in, the second plan, not the abortion pill… just clarifying that…) He has agreed to keep it safe and clean for me, at least through the end of the summer when I may need it. Guess I owe him a nice dinner out or perhaps a loan on my Ferragamos for that! 🙂

To all of you who signed up with Be The Match, and especially Claudia Becerra, Dedra Cochran, and Kate Bass who arranged the bone marrow drives at my agency and at AID Gwinnett, a HUGE thank you. I can’t imagine what it would be like not to have the option for a perfect match on the table and am grateful to each of you who stepped up to the plate and offered to do this amazing thing for me. I guess I just lead a charmed life with all of these options! Filling up the national registry with donors increases the size of the pool that others with blood cancer can draw from so others can be lucky like me! Click here to donate for others that don’t have Alyssa Milano and the Power of 3 looking out for them – www.marrow.org

Yes, lucky lucky lucky cancer patient I am. Lucky is my word du jour in fact. Lucky, like that Britney Spears video where she plays a sad old Hollywood star. Lucky like those jeans I used to love until they started selling them at Costco. Lucky unlike Charlie Sheen’s psychiatrist… having to treat warlock tiger blood cancer and whatnot.

Alright, bye now!